
Hello (coding) world!

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Hello (coding) world!

Published on Jan 11, 2021 by Xani

Yep, the world during the Pandemic has been a rollercoaster. It took everything we knew, shook it, and showed us a totally different world, and most importantly, it showed us what was really important to us.

And so, here we are, with our ideas renewed, with our souls refreshed and somehow humbled, and that’s all we need to get us a new start!

And yes, I went all-in for that, to explore new ideas, jumped into a journey that was in my back-burner for a very long time, and decided to start a career expansion to boost my previous experiences as a PM, Digital Marketer and Multimedia Engineer by adding a new title of Full Stack Developer.

Scary? Yes. But what good has ever come from comfort zones?

But first of all, let me introduce myself, I am Xani, a Mexican in tech, living in NYC. Oh, BTW, I absolutely loooooooove NYC and everything about the Big Apple! 🍎

By creating The Pink Dev, I wanted to create a place where I can document all the info, exercises, and resources I encounter along this new adventure, to see what’s possible and what is not.

But also, I wanted to create a little corner on the internet for people like you, who might be a bit curious about how a Fullstack Developer is born and the infinite realm of possibilities that come along with this decision.

I know that there won’t be a finish line and that it will take a full-size bag of focus, motivation, and tons of coffee, especially because jumping into Web Development as a woman, seems a bit daunting, but somehow it felt like the best career choice I have made, so, here I am, come along and let’s see what happens. Here’s to new beginnings.

And as Frank Sinatra once said: Come code with me, let’s code, let’s code away…🎵

Happy Coding!

The Pink Dev